Yoga for Fear Monsters

Aug 22, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday everyone!

This week, I was feeling pretty stretched. I've tried to get comfortable outside of my comfort zone, but I was just totally overwhelmed this week. And then I remembered that little nugget of wisdom I picked up from Steel Magnolias, "That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."

So with that in mind, I would encourage you to think about where you've gotten comfortable in your life. Maybe it's a job, a relationship, a habit, your workout routine... whatever it is. If you've gotten comfortable, then you're not being challenged, and if you're not being challenged, you're not growing.

More importantly, challenge is an important part of living a blissful life!

If you're on the other end of the spectrum, take comfort in the fact that the challenge you're feeling right now is only temporary. The fear, pain, and whatever negative emotions you have regarding your situation are only temporary. You're growing, and you'll grow into this!

Just as long as you're not over-taxing yourself (*ahem* honesty time -- this is a "do as I say, not as I do moment"), then challenge is a good thing! If you are one of the crazy people like me that is a little TOO challenged, then for your health and sanity sake, take a look at what you're spending time on that you can let go of. I'm saying this to myself too!

Sending you lots of love, 


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