A Venn Diagram Regarding Your Purpose

Jun 27, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday!

I've written about finding your purpose in the past, but today's comic is for those who know what their purpose is and are trying their best to live it.

It's not always easy. I had one of those days yesterday. I love drawing the comics, inspiring others, and making people laugh, but yesterday my body just didn't want to cooperate. I occasionally have lower back issues and I occasionally get migraines. Yesterday, my comic drawing day, both things decided to hit me at once. I've thought to myself that I really ought to have a backup comic ready just in case days like yesterday happen, but I didn't.

As is usually the case when my body doesn't feel good, George temporarily took over. I thought about not drawing the comic (but I love you guys and gals!). George tried to convince me it wasn't important. But then I talked to a good friend who talked me into taking a nap. That helped.

Anyway, my point here is that, no, it won't always be easy. And maybe it won't always be fun. But the rewards of living your purpose far outweigh the bad days that will occasionally happen.

I just want to thank all of you who read the comic for keeping me going. And thank you to my good friends, and my family. Your support means the world to me.

I'm wishing you all a freaking wonderful Friday and an awesome weekend!

Lots of love,


P.S. For those of you wondering why "love" isn't completely within the "stuff that's fun" circle, (hahahahahaha!) that's so awesome for you that you've never loved an asshole. :-)

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