The Fight for True Freedom

Jul 04, 2014

Happy Independence Day, Americans! (For those of you in other countries, happy Fear Monster Friday!)

In the USA today, we're blowing things up to celebrate our freedom from the British monarchy (even though our tabloids are still totally obsessed with them). But today I'd like to talk about a different kind of freedom -- the freedom to be who you truly are.

It's not always easy to do. To truly express yourself seems like an interminable battle with your fear monster. They tend to come up with a wide variety of excuses for why you shouldn't be yourself.

 • Other people won't like you.

 • It might cause an argument.

 • You might lose someone you care about.

 • You might get fired from your job.

 • The Westboro Baptist Church will protest your funeral.

... and so on. But the thing is, none of these excuses compare to the pain of not being true to who you are. That pain will eat away at you. It tends to cause all manner of self-destructive behaviors. It's not worth it.

I guarantee your fear monster is exaggerating the consequences of fully expressing yourself, and even if there are some consequences, it's still way better than hiding who you are.

So today, feel FREE to express who you are to the world! We're waiting for you!

Lots of love,


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