The Illusion of Kind of Having Control over Stuff

Jun 13, 2014

Happy Fear Monster Friday (the 13th)!

Whenever you're feeling anxious, chances are it's because your fear monster has confused the things you can control and the things you can't.

It's pretty easy to freak out about things you can't control. That's normal. But when you do that, often times that means you'll be wasting precious brain processing power on worrying, rather than figuring out solutions to the things you can control.

Acceptance is key. When you can talk your fear monster into accepting that you are not the omnipotent ruler of the Universe, then you can focus your time and energy where it's needed most.

Just like George can't control the outcome of the World Cup (and yes, George and I are cheering for Spain -- I'll cheer for the USA too, but I mean come on, that's like hoping the Cubs will win the World Series), there are also lots of things that you don't have any power over.

But that doesn't mean you don't have power! Give yourself credit for the things you CAN do. And then do them! You'll feel a lot better.

Lots of love, 


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