Are You Carrying Too Much?

Sep 19, 2014

Hi everyone! Happy Fear Monster Friday!

This was my first week trying to put out three comics a week (Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!),  and I found myself feeling a little bit overwhelmed because I still had to go to work and do all the other things I have on my to-do list. I am posting this a little later in the day than I would have preferred, but hey, it's still Friday, so somehow I managed to get three comics out this week!

But with this feeling of overwhelm, I've had to admit to myself that I'm not a superhero and I can't do everything all by myself, and maybe I might even have to let a few items on the to-do list just "happen when they happen."

Have you ever done that to yourself? You take so much on that you find that you're kind of completely useless and end up feeling like you can't do any of it? Maybe you start dropping the ball on a few things?

Well, you know what, you're probably not a superhero either. If you are, that's awesome for you, but us humans sometimes have to ask for help!

I'm feeling very blessed because I actually did get the help I needed (thank you, Richard!) and somehow got it all done this week.

But now it's time to go sit in the hot tub!

Hope you all have a great weekend! Sending you lots of love!


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